Several years ago, at a time in my life when hope for all things positive was low, I was asked a simple question: if you were a part of the rainbow, what color would you be? This was my answer:
I would be silver.
Silver is the color of the sky just before the dawn of a new day...the day where we give birth to new creativity.
Silver is the color of ribbons and satin bows and crinkly paper and sparkly thingys on birthday and wedding cakes, where happiness surrounds us and pain and sorrow are univited guests not allowed in.
Silver shimmers in the moonlight when two lovers take long walks into their future together.
Silver sparkles in the raindrops on the ground just as the clouds begin to lift and go their separate ways.
Sliver catches fire from the reflection of the sun as it beams down on the scorched earth below.
Silver dims and tarnishes from the tears that flow in a simple graveyard.
Silver is the color of my mare as she stands poised in flight, on the brink of life, on the edge of death. I miss her so much.
I would be silver.
What color would you be?
Until next time,
That's a wrap.